The Latest Davin News

Stat Staff’s 2020 DAISY Award-Winning Nurse

Carla Gardner On April 17, 2020, Stat Staff Professionals held its first-ever, tele-award to honor this year’s recipient of the DAISY Foundation’s DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses®, Carla Gardner. The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses® was established in 1999...

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When you need us, we’ll be there.

A message from Stat Staff Professionals 2020 has been aptly dubbed “the year of challenges”. As the landscape changes hour-by-hour there is certainly an overwhelming volume of information coming in from all directions. One thing Stat Staff wants to promise is that “We...

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Nurse Hero Scholarship

This year we celebrate nurses and recognize all those on the front lines every day during this global pandemic crisis.  You are all heroes; thank you! Created in light of the unprecedented global pandemic we’re experiencing, Dignity Health Global Education, in...

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