Events and More

The HAP Leadership Summit Recap

The HAP Leadership Summit in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has come and gone, and we are so happy to have been part of it! Every year the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania holds a summit and this years was redesigned to feature more innovative solution-focused programs...

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The 2023 THA Conference & Expo Recap

Davin Healthcare Workforce Solutions attended the 2023 Texas Hospital Association Conference in Austin earlier this month.  David Theobald, RN, MSN, CSP, Founder/CEO of Davin Healthcare, and Kelly King, Executive Vice President of Client Relations, worked booth 204...

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The 2023 Nightingale Gala

On Saturday, September 30th, a few members of the Davin Healthcare team had the opportunity to dress up and attend the 2023 Nightingale Gala at the elegantly decorated Albany Marriot. The Nightingale Gala is an annual awards dinner hosted by the Center for Nursing...

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The 41st Annual Saratoga Hospital Gala

Davin Healthcare was well-represented at the 41st Annual Saratoga Hospital Gala that took place on August 2nd at the Saratoga Casino Hotel. The Island Luau-themed event was beautifully done, and Davin was thankful for the opportunity to be a Kaua’i sponsor! From left...

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Davin Picnic in the Park!

A big thank you goes to Emily C. and the rest of the planning team for a great employee event on Friday, July 28th. The Davin team braved the heat wave for some good food, lawn games, and the chance to connect in persona again. The little ones were thankful for the...

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Swinging with ANA-NY!

Kristina Rolfes, BSN, RN and Jacob Poyer, MSN, RN-BC proudly represented Davin Healthcare at the ANA-NY Mixer event in Manhattan on June 27th. Kristina and Jacob took part in ‘Swinging with ANA-NY’ at Swingers Crazy Golf - NoMad just blocks from the Empire State...

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