2020… what a crazy year this has been. If you had asked me near the end of 2019, I would not have been able to predict the way the world has changed. 2019 and the life we knew before the pandemic seems like a lifetime ago. So much has changed. The year 2020 has been...
The Davin Team
Caring for the Future of Healthcare; Interview with Dave Theobald
In an interview with David Theobald, MS, BSN, RN, CEO of Stat Staff Professionals, Inc., he focuses on the importance of high-quality supplemental staffing structures, while reflecting on his experiences as an RN at the bedside. Seeing the nursing shortages firsthand...
Travel Nursing Location Highlight: Cooperstown, NY
Imagine you’re in a small village in Upstate New York that is the emblem of tranquility and peace with a variety of entertainment options at your disposal. This thought becomes a reality when taking a contract in beautiful Cooperstown, NY. In this blissful village, on...
Spotlight on the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region
Since 1982, the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region (RMHC) has served the community by providing free of charge housing for families whose children are receiving critical care at nearby hospitals1. The RMHC helps ease families' emotional and...
Help Us Fight Hunger
Tau Kappa-At-Large is the world’s most venerable honor society for nursing. They invite undergraduate and graduate nursing students who have displayed academic excellence, leadership, and service to join a prominent group of nurses looking to help communities in need....
We ❤ Our Clients
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