Events and More

The 2023 NNYPNO Awards Ceremony

On June 1st, the Northeast New York Professional Nurses Organization (NNYPNO) gathered at The Century House in Latham, NY for their Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony. The event is not only exciting for the student nurse scholarship and professional nurse recipients,...

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Davin Healthcare’s 2023 DAISY Award Winner

On May 12th, Davin Healthcare Workforce Solutions hosted its annual DAISY Award Ceremony. The Davin Healthcare team came together to honor this year’s recipient of the DAISY Foundation’s DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses®, Jacquleen Priamo, RN, MSN.  “Jackie has...

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The HAP Leadership Summit Recap

The HAP Leadership Summit in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has come and gone, and we are so happy to have been part of it! Every year the Hospital Association of Pennsylvania holds a summit and this years was redesigned to feature more innovative solution-focused programs...

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