Lobby Day at the Capitol

11 Jan, 2024

ANA-NY (American Nurse’s Association of New York) and NYSANA (New York State Association of Nurse Anesthetists) teamed up at the Capitol Building in Albany, NY on May 9th for Lobby Day. Each organization took this opportunity to stress the importance of various issues taking place throughout the healthcare system within New York State.

During this time, groups divided up by geographic location had the ability to meet with their district-specific legislative leaders. Major topics discussed were the opportunity for compact RN licensure in New York State, the idea of developing a tax credit for nurse preceptors, and thanking the legislature for their willingness to include simulation lab hours as part of clinical education. NYSANA took the time to advocate for recognition under official NYS licensure.

Jacob Poyer Lobby Day-1

It was exciting to see so many of our nursing colleagues at the NY Lobby Day. There were well over 100 nurses present, what an energizing day! Having Davin Healthcare Solutions there to advocate for support from our legislators was meaningful, to move nursing practice forward we need strong advocacy from all practice areas. I found the NY state legislators very supportive and eager to hear from us about the issues (compact RN licensure, tax credits for preceptors, scope of practice for Nurse Anesthetists). Having nurses on hand to speak about the issues from our lived experience did make a difference. 

-Marilyn Stapleton, PhD, RN, Clinical Review Specialist

Davin Healthcare proudly represented ANA-NY with Jacob Poyer, MSN, RN-BC, Marilyn Stapleton, Ph.D., RN, and Kathy Mion, BSN, RN in attendance. Lobby Day proved to be a powerful and positive experience. We are looking forward to the next opportunity with ANA-NY.

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