Patriot Day Memorandum from Stat Staff Professionals

11 Jan, 2024

Today marks the 19th anniversary of one of the darkest hours in United States history, the attacks on the World Trade Centers, the United States Pentagon, and United Airlines 93.

The first responders, along with thousands of other Americans, displayed unequivocal heroism that will stand the test of time.

At Stat Staff Professionals, we would like to honor and tribute these American heroes by highlighting sentiments from our Executive Team below:

“As I reflect the remembrance of September 11th, my appreciation for the spirit of America is rejuvenated. Let us never forget all the heroes especially, the first responders that paid the ultimate sacrifice. It’s also a time to set aside one’s differences and work to engage in peaceful unity of all people seeking the American Dream. September 11th is a sovereign day for vigilance of those that threaten the freedoms of our great nation.”

-Dave Theobald, MS, RN, CSP. President & CEO

“September 11th is a day that is etched in my memory forever. To all of the healthcare workers, first responders, firefighters, EMT’s, and frontline workers, we salute you. 2020 has been a year of great uncertainty, much like 2001, yet one thing remains undeniable, and that is the heroic acts of the American people to come together to defend, fight, and persevere through the most catastrophic events in history. My appreciation is eternal.”

-Kathy Mion, BSN, RN. Director of Clinical Services  

“Nineteen years ago, in the face of the unspeakable horror of the September 11th terrorist attacks, our nation’s first responders – including brave police officers, firefighters, and paramedics – gave their all to save the lives of their fellow human beings.  Their courage, sacrifice, and compassion helped pull us through one of the darkest hours in modern American history.  This year, faced with a relentless, invisible, and deadly adversary, our healthcare professionals have answered the call of duty, risking their health and lives to screen, care for, and treat their fellow human beings who are afflicted with COVID-19.  On this day of remembrance, we honor their selflessness, courage, and caring.  They – much like the first responders who answered the call of duty some nineteen years ago – are true heroes and patriots.”

– Tom Kernan, Vice President & General Counsel

“9/11 will remain as the darkest day in my memory, and one of the darkest in human history. The first responders were the only thing that gave us hope and reminded us that sacrifice and bravery saved countless lives that day. Here we are in 2020, facing something as insidious as anything we have faced as a nation and as a planet, and our bravest step up. Nurses, doctors, and caregivers on the frontlines saving people, regardless of their own wellbeing. The truest form of bravery is the selflessness that we are seeing right now in the face of a pandemic. Thank you for being there.”

-Kelly King, Vice President of Client Relations

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