Stat Staff, ANA Vermont and the “Spirit of Advocacy”

11 Jan, 2024

The American Nursing Association Vermont Chapter held their fall convention on November 2nd, 2018 celebrating a “spirit of advocacy” in the greater nursing community. The event was held at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, VT and featured a wide range of topics and speakers including an appearance from the incumbent Governor Phil Scott.

Sarah Robinson the Deputy Director at the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence set things in motion, speaking about the shortage of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) in Vermont and how adding this credential to a Nurse’s resume would benefit individuals in their rural communities. Her speech addressed the barriers to obtaining this certification and worked to encourage nurses by providing resources for those interested.

Next, Dr. Fred Wiseman took the stage to present his studies of alternative medicine and the Wabanaki way of healing. As a member of the Wabanaki community, Dr. Wiseman spoke to how “everything is related through kinship and kinship demands respect”. In support of this, he emphasized the role of active listening in creating a strong bedside manner and providing the highest quality care for patients. Dr. Wiseman’s ideas fall in line with Stat Staff’s philosophy to provide the best, most compassionate care through kindness, authenticity, and respect.

The Democratic Candidate for governor of Vermont, Christine Hallquist, attended the convention to speak about her mission to create universal Medicare/Medicaid and how fighting cost cuts would benefit the nursing profession and the medical industry. The day ended with Governor Phil Scott presenting his political objectives and how he will work to improve the quality and cost of healthcare for the people of Vermont.

Stat Staff wants to thank the American Nursing Association of Vermont for the opportunity to represent our company’s values and promote our own brand of advocacy. We look forward to continued support of the ANA and our shared vision of inspiring nurses to advance their profession and “caring for the future of healthcare”.

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