The Real Reason Behind Not Shaving in November

11 Jan, 2024

What’s the real reason some men go from baby face to a full-grown beard throughout November? Where did it all begin?

The idea of not shaving originates from a movement developed in 2003 called “Movember.”  The Australian led movement started as a way to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and grew to include mental health and suicide prevention.  People sponsor participants’ sweet ‘staches to raise funds for foundations and charities that align with the movement’s goals.

In 2009, “No-Shave November” grew on the no-grooming concept.  Instead of cultivating sponsors for fantastic mustaches, participants don’t shave any of their hair for the entire month of November.  As you do this, you are raising awareness for those who are battling through chemotherapy and cannot do the same because of their hair loss through the treatment. 

The final step is what some might forget, the money you would use to groom yourself that month you can now donate to cancer prevention and research. 

Remember why you put down the hair clippers this month and help spread awareness for those battling cancer. 

Want more information on the movements?  

Visit to learn about Movember or visit to learn more about No-Shave November.

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