The Latest Davin News
Time is Running out For DAISY Nominations
Stat Staff Professionals is approaching the time of year where we recognize an exceptional nurse with the DAISY Foundation award. January 31, 2019, is the final day to nominate an extraordinary caregiver for the DAISY Foundation award. The DAISY Foundation is about...
A Big Thank You!
Last Friday, Stat Staff Professionals, along with the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce, sponsored the first annual Healthcare Education Summit in Saratoga Springs, NY. The event, held at the Embassy Suites, hosted seven colleges from around the country. Each college was...
Be More Kind
How to celebrate Be More Kind day! Celebrate November 13th by being more kind. Introduced in 1985 by the World Kindness Movement (WKM), at its core, World Kindness Day is a day to highlight kindness[1]. The WKM is a global movement that has members from 27...
Irradiated Toys and Other Gifts You Shouldn’t Buy Kids
Toys you should avoid this holiday season. Tis the gift-giving season, but before you run out and pick up a random toy for Sally or Bobby, it’s good to keep in mind just how dangerous those little gifts can be. Toys can cause quite a bit of harm. In 2017 alone, over...
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
[Transcript] Stat Staff recently participated in Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk in Albany. Because breast cancer awareness is very important to us as well as supporting the research that the American Cancer Society provides. On October 21st, Stat Staff...
Connect with us at the American Nurses Association Vermont Convention
On Friday, November 2nd, 2018, the Shelburne Museum will be hosting the American Nursing Association Vermont Fall Convention: Celebrating a Spirit of Advocacy, on Friday, November 2nd, 2018. There will be many guest speakers talking on a range of subjects including...