Toys you should avoid this holiday season. Tis the gift-giving season, but before you run out and pick up a random toy for Sally or Bobby, it’s good to keep in mind just how dangerous those little gifts can be. Toys can cause quite a bit of harm. In 2017 alone, over...
Caregiver Resources
The Real Reason Behind Not Shaving in November
What’s the real reason some men go from baby face to a full-grown beard throughout November? Where did it all begin? The idea of not shaving originates from a movement developed in 2003 called “Movember.” The Australian led movement started as a way to raise...
Be More Kind
How to celebrate Be More Kind day! Celebrate November 13th by being more kind. Introduced in 1985 by the World Kindness Movement (WKM), at its core, World Kindness Day is a day to highlight kindness[1]. The WKM is a global movement that has members from 27...
Top Five Reasons to be a Travel Nurse
There comes a time in every caregiver’s life when you have to ask yourself if you want to be a travel nurse. Popping your safe-zone bubble may seem daunting but taking that leap could forever change your life for the better. When you’re making your “pros and cons”...
Super powering your life with lists
How to take control of your life using lists. Everyone knows that the human brain processes more information than our most advanced computers to date1. Trying to remember what you need to buy from the store, your password for your work computer, or what your patient...
Better Sleep for Shift Workers
How to get better sleep while working the night shift. It’s National Sleep Awareness Week, and while there are a million articles out there talking about how to get better sleep, we wanted to focus on those caregivers who don’t work the 9-to-5, Monday through Friday,...